Electric Acupuncture
Electric Acupuncture
Electric Acupuncture or “Electroacupuncture” is a modern variation of traditional acupuncture that involves applying a very mild electrical current to the acupuncture needles once they have been inserted into the body's acupoints. This technique enhances the effects of standard acupuncture by providing continuous and consistent stimulation to the targeted areas.
What is Electric Acupuncture?
During an electroacupuncture session, thin needles are inserted into specific acupoints, just like in traditional acupuncture. Then, small clips are attached to the needles, which are connected to a device that generates a mild electrical current. The current is adjusted to a comfortable level and passed between pairs of needles.
What Are The Benefits Of Electric Acupuncture?
Electroacupuncture offers enhanced therapeutic effects by combining traditional acupuncture with electrical stimulation. Here are some of the key benefits that are tailored to patients at IHC:
Enhanced Pain Relief
Improved Blood Circulation
Reduced Inflammation & Swelling
Accelerated Muscle Recovery
Increased Nerve Function
Effective For Chronic Pain Conditions
Greater Muscle Relaxation & Tension Release
Elevated Overall Theraputic Effects
Increased Endorphin Release
Improved Treatment Outcomes For Neurological Disorders